Monday, 5 August 2019

I am flexible at work

I am flexible at work

You can adapt to unexpected demands in the workplace – sudden surges in work , urgent problems, or an unpredictable event, such as a cyber security breach or financial crash, for instance. Flexible people are highly prized by managers and businesses. Flexibility is an important trait for employees. By definition, the term flexibility means the ability to bend or adapt to changing forces.

I am flexible at work

Being flexible when it comes to work is worth a lot. Flexible working is the name given to any type of working pattern which is different from your existing one. Can I apply for flexible working? What is flexible work?

Do all employees have the right to request flexible working? Once your employer has received your request for flexible working , they should arrange to discuss it with you as soon as possible. If they’re happy to agree to the request, they may not need to discuss it with you. This page tells you how to prepare for that discussion and anticipate some of your employer’s possible objections. As a recruiter, I would consider an applicant flexible if they are versatile, adaptable, and have open availability.

I am flexible at work

To have the ability to work any task, position, schedule or environment assigned. Employees can apply for flexible working if they’ve worked continuously for the same employer for the last weeks. It’s known as ‘making a statutory application. The basic steps are: The. With this core belief, I would like to continue my growth in your company.

You have this right if you have worked for your employer continuously for weeks. Some employers who, pre-Covid-1 resisted homeworking are now embracing it, leaving one manager I spoke to recently somewhat bemused. By ‘Flexible Working’ the government means altering the way you work. In the business sense of the wor adaptability entails being open to new ideas and concepts, being able to work on an independent basis or with a team as the situation demands, and juggling. If the job has flexible hours, also think about how many hours a week you are willing to work.

I am flexible at work

Try to limit the number of scheduling conflicts you have. An employer will likely be sympathetic to family, education, health, or religious conflicts, but they will probably not care if your work schedule conflicts with a personal hobby. Resilience at work is now recognised as a defining characteristic of employees who deal well with the stresses and strains of the modern workplace. Resilience is a person’s capacity to respond to pressure and the demands of daily life. Many employers now recognise that family friendly provisions and flexible working can have a positive impact on business and help with employee retention.

All employees have a right to ask their employer for a change to their. Certain employees have a legal right to request a more flexible way of working and as such, their employer has a legal obligation to seriously consider their request. I have flexible hours and can work late into the night. I can travel from a place to the other for the sole purpose of getting things done. I believe that open communication between helper and employer, makes a good tandem.

I am a versatile individual. Flexible retirement It may be possible to take your benefits while you are still working. How this works will depend on the rules of your pension schemes.

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