A network of powerful local branches, where residents have the knowledge and capacity to tackle their housing issues. Tenants Union has won significant victories for tenants ’ rights in the last years. Below is a partial list of victories our tenant leaders and members have won.

Always seek independent professional legal advice on your individual case or contact your local tenants union for support. The legal information provided here does not constitute legal advice. Check meeting times and locations for our local chapters, covering neighborhoods across every corner of Los Angeles to the San Fernando Valley! We are proud to make this calculator available to people in NSW looking at negotiating rents.
This calculator lets you put in a range of information about your rent and income situation and then allows you to check what different scenarios of reduction. From our five years of organizing tenants against evictions and harassment, with rent strikes, direct action, and media campaigns, we know tenants need to come together, all of us, to win the rent forgiveness we need. The NSW Government has implemented an Evictions Moratorium – for some tenants. Until October there are restrictions on evictions for rent arrears where the household is in financial hardship due to COVID-19.

Negotiating about rent can be intimidating. The information here will help you prepare for negotiations to give you the best chance at an outcome that works for you. Your rent payments are a fundamental part of your tenancy. Not paying your rent is. Is your landlord intimidating or harassing you and what are your rights?
They must give you hours. Your landlord can’t just turn up uninvited. If there is a tenants association in your area, join it and make sure everyone on your street, estate or block also does. If there isn’t set one up, affiliate to your local tenants union and get in touch with us.
A lot of people are out of work and they can’t come up with that finance to pay the landlords,” said Barbara Rivera, of RCWTU and organizer of Cancel the Rent Movement. City-wide tenant union of rochester Learn More. The City-Wide Tenant Union (CWTU) of Rochester is a grassroots housing justice movement to elevate housing to a human right and secure community control over land and housing by building tenant power and expanding the rights of all tenants. We are a diverse, member-driven organization with the purpose of combining direct action with political action to forge better living conditions through Washington, DC.
We demand safe, decent, secure, and affordable housing for all, and under rent control. Locals organize around neighborhood issues and help link neighborhood struggles to the larger movement for housing justice. If you are a tenant and you need advice - please book your own appointment online under the Get Help Section.
You can look our fact sheets on various topics too. We’ve produced a resource pack to support students’ associations in setting up a Student Tenants ’ Union which should help students and local people unite for positive change. Inspired by community organising principles, setting up a Student Tenants ’ Union involves mapping out local housing issues and bringing on board people who feel passionately about this. It looks to reach out to.
Home Local Committees. It provides advice, support and representation to renters with tenancy issues in Canberra. The tenants ’ union reported that they received notice from Gym expressing interest in discussing strategies for gaining more support for Just Cause legislation. The following Friday, April 13th, Gym’s Director of Policy and Legislation, Shanee Garner, and Director of Constituent Services, Charlene Samuels, met with Thompson and other PTU organizers at City Hall.
We will promote tenant interests and act against violations of tenants ’ rights. IVTU will work with local groups, the County, the University, and businesses to realize its mission. Organizing tactics can. Contact us for volunteer opportunities today.
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