Friday, 21 July 2017

Advantages of flexibility at work

Do employees like flexibility at work? With flexible work schedules, employees stand to experience a good number of benefits. What is workplace flexibility?

One that many workers point to first is the flexibility to meet family needs, personal obligations, and life responsibilities conveniently. Flexibility at work is a necessity for employees and employers, alike. Streamlined workforces, shifts in technology and a changing market are just a few reasons why flexibility is the new norm for many organizations.

While your company may not have a formal set of rules for a flexible workplace, there are many advantages to be gained by taking on a flexible attitude – and approach, when it. Improved flexibility produces a wide range of physical benefits and can have a positive effect on your overall well-being. Here are a few ways that increased flexibility is likely to help you. Advantages of Flexible Work Schedules for Employees: 1. Adaptability: Flexible work schedule allows the employees to meet the family needs, personal obligations and life responsibilities efficiently.

If you have a flexible work schedule you can be able to meet the day to day errands and take care of family members without any interference in. These are the major reasons why any employer will adopt workplace. One of the most important is reduce the cost for companies that achieved with the lowest salaries, by saving energy and space and also with non-abused employee.

Workplace flexibility is a strategy that emphasizes being able and willing to adapt to changing circumstances when it comes to how work gets done.

As regards the latter, it is worth noting that flexibility helps companies to use workers for a particular work , where there is a need in order to. It is very important for the employer and employee to be flexible as it creates a streamlined workforce and technology adopte due to changes in the market. The advantages of flexibility in a work enviroment.

Implementing flexibility in a company in numerous benefits for both employees and employers. Inplementing a felxible work enviroment allows us to please the increasingly demanded balance between work and family. A flexible workplace is good for both the employer and the employee. It not only helps increase productivity in the organisation but also increases the satisfaction of the employees which in-turn in many other advantages. When assessing adaptability and flexibility , recruiters may look for someone who can show: Intellectual flexibility – keeping an open mind is important.

You should be able to demonstrate that you can integrate new information and draw conclusions from it, and that you can switch from the detail to the big picture. Reduce costs: A significant advantage to having a mobile workforce is the reduced cost of maintaining a physical location that houses all your employees. Flexi working can help you meet your other commitments such as being there to collect your child from school or dovetailing your working arrangements with your partner to minimise childcare costs. Greater cost-effectiveness and efficiency, such as savings on overheads when employees work from home or less downtime for machinery when 24-hour shifts are worked. The chance to have extended operating hours.

Ability to attract a higher level of skills because the business is able to attract and retain a skilled and more diverse workforce. Let’s break down a few of the advantages : 1. The most evident reason why people want to work remotely is that it offers them flexibility. Employees can work whenever and wherever they want to, which makes them far content.

Besides, you can tend to your responsibilities in your life that a regular 9-to-job would make.

Unilever, for example, permits 100employees — virtually its entire workforce except for factory workers — to work anytime, anywhere, as long as the work gets done. It helps employers stay active longer in the work day. Some workers will want to work earlier.

Others will want to work later. This gives an employer the opportunity to have a business presence outside of normal working hours within their community. It encourages diversity.

Not every household is structured in the same way.

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