Living Away from Home Allowance for secondary. What is living away from home allowance? Can I move away from home to work? How long is overnight accommodation allowance?
The allowance is available to eligible full and part-time apprentices and school-based apprentices during the first years of training. LAFHA is a Commonwealth Government allowance to assist young people who have to move away from home to take up or continue with an apprenticeship or traineeship. You might be entitled to: months at the first year rate of $77. The value if LAFHA for payroll tax purposes is the value determined in line with the Fringe Benefit Tax Assessment Act. If the allowance does not qualify as a LAFHA under the FBT Act, it will be treated the same as an overnight accommodation allowance.
A travelling allowance is considered to be compensation for costs incurred in the course of performing duties, which forms part of the employee’s assessable income (against which deductions may be claimable) and is thus not a fringe benefit. A living-away-from-home allowance (LAFHA) fringe benefit may arise if you pay an employee an allowance to cover additional expenses incurred because the employee’s duties of employment require them to live away from their normal residence. Youth Allowance for students and apprentices If you’re or younger and a student or Australian Apprentice studying full time, read how we can help.